If you are currently on active duty, serving the United States honorably or have served honorably during any of the eligible
war eras, we invite you to become a member of The American Legion Post 139.

Join us every Thursday (except holidays). Doors open at 5 p.m., early bird game at 6:30 p.m. and regular Bingo at 7 p.m. See BINGO Highlights

Membership Notice

Membership Notice

After discussion and reviewing the cost at the June membership meeting, the printing and mailing of the newsletter will continue until the end of the year.

The current cost exceeds $4,500 per year including mailing cost. This does not include the 2 or 3 hrs. for printing the labels and applying them. 

As of today you can provide your email address by sending it to milfordpost139@gmail.com or in-person by asking the barmaid for the email list behind the bar. Once we have your email address the newsletter will be sent via email and purged from the mailing list.

It is the hope of the Executive Board that everyone joins us in this cost effective method of delivering the newsletter in the future. The post does not share or provide these email lists to anyone.